Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Overwhelmed? Let your calendar tell you what to worry about.

Let your calendar determine what to think about
Feeling overwhelmed? Me too. Lets talk about that.....

The Problem:
There is a simple truth in life that we all must deal with; there is more to do than time allowed. We all want to do it all, and more. I know for myself I am in the middle of taking 18 credits at school, working part time, planning on writing a book, trying to keep in shape, on a intramural basketball team and trying to find time to do the dishes so my just-as-busy-wife can take a breather. Over the past few months I have been trying to consolidate all my "daily tasks" down so that they overlap, basic multitasking. What I have come to know is that MULTITASKING DOES NOT WORK.
Here is why
  1. You can never be great at one thing if you are trying to be good at everything
  2. You will get behind and give up, just think of your new years resolutions that you set
  3. You will miss the small things
  4. You will get stressed out and always feel behind
The Solution:
Instead of trying to take over the world while learning how to cook the world's best pretzels and mastering Spanish on the side, take time to plan it out so that you do one thing at a time. Even if that one thing is for five minutes. PREPARATION IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS.
  1. Let your calendar tell you what to worry about, be in that moment and no where else
  2. Once the allotted time has past move on
  3. Adjust how much time you need for tasks as the days go on and you get a better feel
  4. Start a journal,  the more you write down the less you will have to remember, the more you can reflect, grow, review and learn
One caution- do not waste your valuable time over-planning. There is a point where you just got to go out there and live life. 

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