Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5 Tips that are NEEDED in preparing for your first job out of college

Finding your next job starts days, weeks, months and even years before you quit your current job
1) Have an updated resume
Make your resume look good, please use the outline above so that you don't get owned. You should always be updating your resume and linked-in account (that requires that you are doing things that builds your resume and linked-in account, instead of using Facebook to look at cat videos, use it to learn about opportunities). Don't know what to say about yourself? This is where the magic of Linked-in steps in. Lets say that you are trying to put down your experience and do not know what to say; simply just search your current position and look through what people have already said about themselves. It is like a monkey see monkey ideology but think of it as a monkey see monkey do better. Take the best parts of what you find, add in your own zest and WABAMO you got a hot profile. LET ME SEE YOUR RESUME'S AND LINKED-IN ACCOUNTS. I would love to go over them and offer some advice. 
2)If you are in college talk to a college counselor
College counselors are paid to make sure you get paid after college. You are their job. Don't go into a meeting with one and say, "I have no idea what to do with my life, tell me what I should do." That is a very lazy way and sure, you will get some help but you are not exploiting the opportunity to the fullest. Instead try to bring a sense of urgency and a plan of what you want to do. Do some homework. This does three things for you 1) tells the counselor that you need business 2)saves you a lot of time 3)you are able to get the most out of the counselor. You do not need to have the next 30 years of your life planned out, but start with having your day planned out, then your week, month, year and so on. Ask them for suggestions to improve your current path instead of having them give you a life plan to live out. It is your life, so take charge.  
3) Getting as much education as possible does not cut it anymore; in today's world get as much experience as possible. 
Education is no longer required to be just within the walls of an university. Go out there and learn about everything your job requires. If a potential requires you to know how to code, then go to and spend 5 hours mastering the basics. If you need to learn spanish then watch disney movies on Youtube in spanish until you can sing along to the songs. Yes you need to get into a good university and get good grades, but that alone will not set you apart. Extend your education through your own passionate learning. Then apply, apply, apply everything that you are learning every where you go. Give advice, write blogs, ask questions, JOIN MANY DIFFERENT CLUBS. 
4) The "N" word....Network
This is by far the most important one of them all. Every day go out of your way to meet 5 new people. It is easy. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE DOWN THEIR NAMES, ADD THEM ON FB, TWITTER, LINKED-IN. You will forget them if you don't. Share with them your life's passions and goals and listen to theirs. Make them a brand champion in your self brand and have them be excited about what you are doing and offer your services to help them out. As you help them, they will help you. Need more tips about networking? Ask me your questions in the comments below. 
5)Don't be afraid to ask questions
My favorite question to ask is, "What more do I need to do to become qualified to work at company X?" If you ask that question to yourself, friends, family, job recruiters, and even strangers on a daily basis you will get a wealth of knowledge poured out. Take time to come up with 3-5 really good questions that you can ask to anyone that will increase your value. Asking questions shows that you are willing to change and listen to others. That humility will alone set you apart. Ask and ye shall receive, know and it shall be open unto you. (anyone know where that scripture is? comment below)

The take away- Get your life so that you have some kind of base, then build your dream like upon that foundation. 

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