Monday, October 27, 2014

Nailing an interview

Welcome to nailing a job interview. The purpose of these posts are not to go through all the generic do's and don'ts about everything you have to do but rather some exclusive information that will help you stand out just a little more than the rest.

Quick tips a about the interview process...(beyond the basics)

Phone interviews
  1. Make sure you find out if you are going to call them or if they are going to call you.
  2. Have notes written down- they don't know that you have them.
  3. Know your resume and have it right in front of you
  4. Practice with a someone on the phone before the real deal
  5. Make sure you are in a quite location, strong cell phone reception and check your phone's battery
In person interviews 
  1. Remember names of everyone you talk to
  2. Use mirroring techniques, as in use the same body language as they do
  3.  Relax and be yourself, don't market yourself as someone that you are not
Prepare in how you respond to any interview question by mastering the  S.T.A.R. 

Specific Situation
  • In order to avoid generic, broad examples, start your response with an example. Set the background by saying something like, "Two summers ago I was doing door to door sales for X company"
  • What responsibilities or events that you had to act upon. "We had to do training every day at 9am"
Application/ Innovation/ Development
  • What did you do that separated yourself from the crowd? "I went in at 8 am every day by myself to get additional training" 
  • Give an example to show how you increased numbers or became better.  "Because my sales increased, more and more employees started to catch on to my positive energy and  join me at 8 am."
Practice doing the S.T.A.R. approach. 
Comment below what you would put to the question below and tomorrow's post will feature the best one. 

Example: What is your greatest weakness?


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